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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

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Auto-Import Delay


The catalog module is available separately for the Parametric Search Appliance, please contact Thunderstone for details.

Syntax: seconds to wait

If Catalog Auto-Import=N, this setting has no effect.

When using Catalog Auto-Import, the import will wait for this many seconds of file inactivity before starting the actual import. This helps prevent the Parametric Search Appliance from improperly importing uploaded files while the user is still uploading more files that are part of the same single dataset.

For example, if the Parametric Search Appliance sees new files to process and the most recent file was placed 25 seconds ago, it will wait an additional 35 seconds before starting the import (assuming the default Auto-Import Delay of 60). If any new files appear in the meantime, it will wait an additional 60 seconds after THOSE files appeared before starting an import.

This value should be set larger than you ever expect it to take to upload a single file.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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