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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

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Backup Appliance Settings

  This allows you to save all of the current profile and most of the system settings from the Parametric Search Appliance to an XML file on your local workstation. (Mounted filesystems and IP configurations are not currently saved.) This file can be used to aid in cloning Parametric Search Appliances for a cluster and as a backup in the event the machine needs to be restored from scratch.

"System-Wide Settings" includes things not specific to a profile - admin logins, system-wide settings, etc. You can choose to download the settings for all profiles, or for some combination of profiles.

"Internal Settings" includes things that aren't used when restoring, such as currently running Process IDs. This should only be included at the request of Thunderstone Support.

Click Download to save a copy of the current settings to your workstation.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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