
Parametric Search Appliance

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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

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Console Menu

To use the console menu you need to attach a keyboard and VGA monitor to the standard ports on the rear of the Parametric Search Appliance. You will see the following menu:

    Thunderstone Search Appliance Summary on YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS    
Thunderstone phone: 216-820-2200
MAC Address       : xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
Ethernet 1        : xxxxx
Ethernet 2        : xxxxx
IP Address        : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Index Admin Page  : http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/texis/dowalk
System Admin Page : https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:999

    Thunderstone Appliance Setup and Information    
   T) Thunderstone information
   N) Network and system information
   S) Setup network
   F) drop Firewall/NAT (Allow all network access)
   A) drop Admin restrictions (HTTPS,IP,Cipher requirements)
   I) dIagnostics
   R) Reboot system
   D) shutDown system
   H) Help
   L) Login (Thunderstone tech support only)
Enter your choice:

Choose an item by entering the letter on the left of the item.

    Thunderstone Appliance Diagnostics | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
   P) Ping
   T) Traceroute
   L) Lookup hostname
   F) Fetch a URL
   S) System view
   R) RAID info
   M) Main menu
Enter your choice:

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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