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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

<<Previous: Login Cookies ↑Up: Search Settings Next>>: Basic/NTLM/file Cookie Type

Login URL

For the Forward login cookies Results Authorization method, if none of the Login Cookies are seen at search time, the user is assumed not to have logged in yet, and will be redirected to this URL instead. The Login URL should be the URL to the site's form-based login page.

After logging in, the site's login page can be configured to re-redirect the user back to their original search if desired. The special token "%REFERER%", if used in the Login URL, will be replaced with the URL back to the user's search. Thus, it could be assigned to a query-string variable in the Login URL so that the login page can redirect back to the search. E.g. with this value for the Login URL:


the Parametric Search Appliance would redirect the user to http://login.acme.com/login.asp, with the searchurl variable set to the Parametric Search Appliance search page (with query). The login.asp code could be modified to redirect the user back to the searchurl query variable after login.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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