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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

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Using Parametric Search SQL Syntax


Another method of querying Parametric Search fields is by specifying a SQL Query Clause under the Parametric Search Query search setting group. This allows a full SQL clause to be added to the search, for more complex queries than the infield: syntax can support. The majority of Texis SQL syntax is supported. Multiple fields can be searched, with advanced operators and nested logic if needed.

Because of the potential complexity of SQL clauses, and to minimize the input needed from the user, the SQL Query Clause is generally specified by the admin in the profile (with Allow override set to N), instead of by the user on the search form. The user merely needs to supply the actual query values at search time. This also saves the search user from having to know or type any special query syntax.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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