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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

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Meta Search of Parametric Profiles


Parametric Search profiles can also be utilized as target profiles in a meta search. Since meta search profiles do not "own" any data natively - only their target profiles do - they do not have native Parametric Search fields that can be manipulated under Search Settings. However, Parametric and infield: queries are still passed back by meta search profiles to their target profiles, and returned Group By etc. results are collated by the meta profile. Thus, the target profiles' Parametric Search options should be manipulated instead to manage a meta search profile's Parametric output.

Parametric Search field names, types and search options should typically be kept the same amongst all target profiles, in order to maximize consistency of the meta search results. Certain Parametric Search features may currently be unavailable or not completely supported in meta search profiles.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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