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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

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This performs a normal search based on the query/queries provided.


The following parameters can be provided to further refine the search:

The search function may also use the rankKnobs structure (section 6.22.8, here).

Parametric Search

In addition to using the infield: syntax in the query, embedded parameters for the Parametric Search Query may also be provided. Param elements with name attributes are used to accomplish this.

For example, To set the embedded parameter qpMaxPrice to 20, use:

<Param name="qpMaxPrice">20</Param>

Please see Parametric Search Query (here) for more info.


The SOAP output of the function is described in the XML Elements in Search Results section (6.14.3, here).

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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