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Thunderstone Search Appliance Manual

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Defining Parametric Search Fields

In order to provide more powerful search capabilities, Parametric Search fields are integrated directly into the underlying database schema. This means that they must be defined at the time the profile is created. On the Profiles page, use the New Profile Name form at the bottom to start creating a new profile as usual (a Standard type), perhaps as a copy of an existing profile. Any Parametric Search fields defined in the existing profile will be copied to the new profile along with the other settings.

The next page will prompt for Parametric Search fields to be defined for this profile. Every document in the profile will have a value for each of these fields, which can be searched, sorted and output in results, alongside the standard fields (e.g. URL, body text, depth etc.). Typically one field is created for each distinct attribute that might be searched for. Three rows are provided initially on the form for three fields, but more rows (up to 50) for more fields may be added by hitting Add More Fields.

Copyright © Thunderstone Software     Last updated: Jul 28 2017

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